Cayo Santa Maria

June 12, 2017 Cayo Santa MarĂ­a, Cuba

It's my second visit to Cayo Santa Maria in Cuba. I wanted to come back here because the beach is pristine and it's not as touristy as Varadero yet.
From our almost two hour drive from the airport to the hotel, I saw new resorts being built on the island so change is coming and it won't be long before this piece of paradise will be different.

Last time I visited, I did not venture out of the resort but this time I went to the nearby market to shop.

While waiting for the bus to come to the resort, I saw a couple getting off a vintage convertible Ford taxi. I was curious and asked the driver how much it was and he said 10 CUC to get to the market. It wasn't cheap but i wanted to experience this once so my bf and I hopped on the car.
It was so much fun!! Cuban music playing while we rode to the market.
We got to the market 15 minutes later.We visited Plaza la Estrella market.

It's a usual tourist market selling souvenirs, alcohol, coffee, and cigars. The market also had restaurants and cafe's.They also have a bank here if you need cash to pay for your purchases. Most of the shops will only accept cash payment.
We ended up buying coffee beans, cigars, and sandals. This area is known for leather so I had to buy the sandals ;)


  1. A ride in a vintage taxi is fun despite the expense! Sounds like you had a nice time. Those sandals are awesome!

  2. Ooh, that vintage taxi looks really cool! I really wish car companies would go back to the vintage aesthetics. There's something just incredibly classy about the way vintage cars look.

    1. I have the same wish. It was really fun to take a ride in a vintage car!


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