15 Random Obervations of Japan II

December 30, 2020 Japan

I went back to Japan a couple of times now! I have paid more attention on how Japanese people behave and interact. You can read about my random observations series here.

1. Shops inside the train stations are great for food and souvenir shopping.
2. Everyone is quiet inside the trains except for tourists.
3. Even kids are quiet. I barely heard them cry (what's your secret Japan?)
4. Kids are taught to be independent at a very young age.
5. And to carry their own weight. I saw a little kid carrying his own backpack and I swear he was less than 1 year old.
6. People do not lock their bikes on a pole. They just lock it with the bike.
7. No one will bother you unless you ask for help.
8. Everyone brings their own food and drinks when boarding the bullet train.
9. You can drink beer inside the trains.
10. You can use your suica/pasmo card to board the trains and to pay for food/drinks at restaurants or shops.
11. They pay a lot of attention to details.
12. English music is everywhere; hair salons, restaurants, shops, etc.
13. Smoking is still prevalent. You can still smoke inside restaurants :(
14. Everyone politely lines up.
15. And will respect your space.

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