An adventure in Tarifa

October 17, 2013

When we booked our apartment in Malaga, we knew we wanted to go to Morocco for a day trip. One day we woke up really early to drive to Tarifa to catch a high speed ferry to Tangier. We wanted to get there early so we can get a glimpse of Morocco for a day. We wanted to eat and visit the medina.

I was really excited to visit Morocco.  But the drive was long!  Getting closer to Tarifa, I noticed it was really windy. When we got to the town, it looked deserted. We found parking near the port and found a travel agency to inquire about getting a ticket for the high speed ferry. We found a travel agent and she simply told us "the port is closed today". And that was it.

We didn't know what the real reason was. Maybe it was weather related?

Anyways, we came too far to give up so we drove back to the direction of another port closer to Malaga. We didn't want to use this port originally because it does not dock directly to the Old Town of Tangier but we had no choice. We made the long drive back and the port was massive. It was hard to navigate and locate the parking lot.

We finally found the ticketing office but the boat schedules were too late for us. Not for day trip at least. It would force us to stay the night and we didn't have that in our plan. It was really disappointing to drive around from one port to another without ever getting to Morocco but that's how it is sometimes. Plans don't always work out. It was still an adventure though and at least got a glimpse of Africa from Tarifa. Sooo close...

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